WIP in My Little Pony

Friendship is Magic!
[WIP] Dementia-Factory - Friday Night Funkin Batny : Breath N Shadow OST [Instrumental]
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Cheerilee D-Side WIP for a Future Update


V2 of the Instrumental of Free-After-Dawn OST now available on my Channel

[V2] Free-After-Dawn - Friday Night Funkin Batny : Breath N Shadow OST [INSTRUMENTAL]
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First try of Batny Mic in the V1 (By Me)

it won't be their final version but it's already something

thereafter there will be new successes to be had, some will be to be had in a way ...... special


Mavening Time Inst remix by Vax4Nation and Iron2Trog

It's just a demo, it's not the definitive version

OG song by @YotesMark

Whats new about Vs Batny Breath N Shadow

I'll post again next month to keep you posted on the progress.

I dont says if its the final concept for the B.G.P WEEK

New MEGAPOST about each of the pony sprites is up on our Kickstarter & Patreon pages! 🌟

That's ALL 98 collectible creatures in the Battle Gem Ponies game

new wip start image of b.g.p week with some reference